

Publications & working papers

  • Zhu, X., Gu, Z., He, C. and Chen, W. (2023). “The impact of the belt and road initiative on Chinese PV firms’ export expansion”, Environment, Development and Sustainability. [ 1007/s10668-023-03705-z]

  • Gu, Z., Jiang, Y., and Yang, S. (2022). “Estimating unobserved soft adjustment in credit rating models: before and after the Dodd-Frank act”, Journal of Financial Econometrics. []

  • Zhu, X., He, C. and Gu, Z. (2021). “Benefit from local or destination? The export expansion of Chinese photovoltaic industry under trade protection”, Energy Economics. [https://doi. org/10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105690]

Work in progress

  • Gu, Z. “Additive separability and unobserved heterogeneity: A test for Hicks-neutral productivity shocks&rdquo

  • Fan, B. and Gu, Z. “Market power of Chinese listed firms: measurement, evolution and distribution&rdquo